Nov 26, 2015

VoIP Wars: Destroying Jar Jar Lync Materials

VoIP Wars: Destroying Jar Jar Lync has been presented at Blackhat Europe 2015, GSEC Hack In The Box Singapore 2015 and Ruxcon 2015. The presentation contains newly published security vulnerabilities for the Microsoft Skype for Business platform, a test methodology and a customised testing tool named Viproxy. The unfiltered edition of the presentation, Viproxy 2.0, exploits, security advisory and demonstration video are available below.
VoIP Wars: Destroying Jar Jar Lync (HITB Singapore presentation video)

VoIP Wars: Destroying Jar Jar Lync (Presentation) 

SOS-15-005 – Microsoft Skype for Business 2016 unauthorised script execution security advisory (including P0C exploits)
SOS-15-005 – Microsoft Skype for Business 2016 unauthorised script execution demonstration

Viproxy 2.0
Detailed information about Viproy VoIP Pen-Test Kit and VoIP Wars research series.